Jackie Walorski tweeted the following:
"After working with the Chinese Communist Party to cover-up the initial COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, the WHO has utterly failed Americans & people across the world. Given its untrustworthy track record, the WHO must not be given any further power. dailycaller.com/2022/05/27/gop"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Jackie Walorski:
"Im thrilled to announce that Elkhart & Western Railroad Company has received a $2.6 million grant to invest in our community with modernization and safety improvements. This forward-thinking project will support future growth & eliminate traffic delays. goshennews.com/news/walorski-" on May 27Read on Twitter
"As we learn more about today's senseless attack in Uvalde, Texas, I am devastated for the children, families, and community members who are grieving. Violence has no place in our nation's schools - or anywhere else. We must work together to protect our kids." on May 24Read on Twitter
"I'm glad to see the Indiana General Assembly act to protect the integrity of girls sports. As a young Hoosier growing up in Northern Indiana, I experienced firsthand the benefits of girls sports. We must continue to protect these athletic opportunities for girls and women." on May 24Read on Twitter