Town of North Judson
Recent News About Town of North Judson
Census Bureau reports North Judson population was 2,074 in 2019
North Judson had a population of 2,074 people in 2019, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained by the NC Indiana News.
Census Bureau: More women than men in North Judson in 2019
Of the 2,074 people living in North Judson in 2019, 54.2 percent (1,124) were women and 45.8 percent (950) were men, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained by the NC Indiana News.
22.1 percent of people 25 or older had an associate's degree or higher in North Judson
22.1 percent of people 25 years or older had an associate's degree or higher in North Judson in 2019, according to data obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Census Bureau: 76.4 percent of people in Starke County were old enough to vote in 2020
Of the 22,996 citizens living in Starke County in 2020, 17,561 were old enough to vote as of March 24, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.
Census Bureau: 1.7% of people in Starke County identified as multi-racial in 2020
Of the 22,996 citizens living in Starke County in 2020, 98.3 percent said they were only one race, while 1.7 percent said they were two or more races, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained in March.
Census Bureau: 1.8% of people in North Judson identified as multi-racial in 2020
Of the 2,139 citizens living in North Judson in 2020, 98.2 percent said they were only one race, while 1.8 percent said they were two or more races, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained in March.
Census Bureau: 70.1 percent of people in North Judson were old enough to vote in 2020
Of the 2,139 citizens living in North Judson in 2020, 1,500 were old enough to vote as of March 24, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.
Census Bureau reports North Judson population was 2,139 in 2020
North Judson had a population of 2,139 people in 2020, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained by the NC Indiana News.
20.6 percent of people 25 or older had an associate's degree or higher in North Judson
20.6 percent of people 25 years or older had an associate's degree or higher in North Judson in 2018, according to data obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau.
27 businesses in Starke County had between 20 and 49 employees in 2019
There were 27 businesses in Starke County with between 20 and 49 employees in 2019, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
33 businesses in Starke County had between 10 and 19 employees in 2019
There were 33 businesses in Starke County with between 10 and 19 employees in 2019, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
48 businesses in Starke County had between five and nine employees in 2019
There were 48 businesses in Starke County with between five and nine employees in 2019, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
168 businesses in Starke County had fewer than five employees in 2019
There were 168 businesses in Starke County with fewer than five employees in 2019, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
11 businesses in zip 46366 had between 10 and 19 employees in 2017
There were 11 businesses in Indiana zip code 46366 that had between 10 and 19 employees in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
Three businesses in zip 46366 had between 20 and 49 employees in 2017
There were three businesses in Indiana zip code 46366 that had between 20 and 49 employees in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
10 businesses in zip 46366 had between five and nine employees in 2017
There were 10 businesses in Indiana zip code 46366 that had between five and nine employees in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
50 businesses in zip 46366 had fewer than five employees in 2017
There were 50 businesses in Indiana zip code 46366 that had fewer than five employees in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
Three accommodation and food services businesses in ZIP code 46366 employ between 10 and 19 people in 2017
There were three accommodation and food services businesses in ZIP code 46366 that employed between 10 and 19 people in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
Seven construction businesses in ZIP code 46366 employ fewer than 5 people in 2017
There were seven construction businesses in ZIP code 46366 that employed fewer than five people in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
Three finance and insurance businesses in ZIP code 46366 employ between 5 and 9 people in 2017
There were three finance and insurance businesses in ZIP code 46366 that employed between five and nine people in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.